One of the most amazing things about our body is how quickly it begins to repair when it’s given a chance to heal. When you quit smoking your body breathes a huge sigh of relief. Literally. Within a very short period of time blood pressure, blood oxygen levels and inflammation return to normal and your body begins to recover.

Quitting smoking is crazy hard, luckily smokers have a much better, and bigger, tool kit to help them quit and get smoke free. Back in the day there were only a few medications and Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT). It’s a different world these days, with the NHS providing world class stop smoking services, a wide range of NRT options and e-cigarettes/vaping as an alternative to smoking.

One of the trickiest aspects of quitting smoking is giving up on cherished smoking rituals (after dinner, after the first cuppa of the day). Having busy hands is also a part of smoking often overlooked by people wanting to quit.  A lot of people hit the fridge to satisfy the fidgets resulting in unwanted weight gain and misery. Vaping offers a solution that ticks the boxes of battling the trickiest aspects of quitting smoking.

The most significant advantage of switching to vaping to help quit smoking is that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking.1 If that isn’t enough to persuade you that switching to vaping is better for you, here are a few more reasons to consider switching.

Vaping can help you quit.

Public Health England (PHE) conducted a major UK clinical study, funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), which they published in February 2019. The research involved nearly 900 participants and found that in Local Stop Smoking Services, a standard e-cigarette was twice as effective at helping smokers to quit compared with the quitters’ choice of combination Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).5

Both groups were provided with behavioural support and those in the e-cigarette group had significantly faster reductions in cough and phlegm.

Vapour is not harmful to those around you.

To date there are no known instances of any issues caused by secondary vapour. The limited ingredients and the delivery method keep toxins to negligible amounts.5

You control how much Nicotine you inhale.

Vaping allows you to choose the strength of Nicotine in your e-liquids so you can control how much you inhale.  That said, the delivery method (type of vaping device) and the way you inhale also affects how much Nicotine you absorb. Traditional tobacco products tend to have more Nicotine in them as much of it is burned off and, to ensure consistent levels of Nicotine ingestion, more is added at the outset. Basically, it’s harder to control the Nicotine in traditional smoking.

Nicotine is highly toxic when swallowed but is proven to have minimal impact on health when inhaled – other than it being highly addictive.10

Vaping gives you the option of a zero-Nicotine e-liquid.

You choose how much Nicotine you vape. Ibiza Club E-Liquids range from zero to 18mg/ml.

Vaping is cheaper than smoking.

Vaping is approximately 3.5 times cheaper than smoking.

When you first start vaping, you have to buy a vaping device and some supplies, but the ongoing cost per month is drastically smaller than when smoking. An average smoker spends around £540 every three months on cigarettes, compared to £150 for an average vaper.11


Our Switch to Quit programme is designed to help smokers get past that first month when the cravings and the rituals are front of mind, all day every day. It includes everything you need to quit, delivered right to your door.

To learn more about switch to quit, click here.


Our Switch to Quit programme is designed to help smokers get past that first month when the cravings and the rituals are front of mind, all day every day. To learn more about switch to quit, click here.




    1. McNeill, A. et al. Evidence review of e- cigarettes and heated tobacco products 2018. A report commissioned by Public Health England (2018).
    2. Andy McEwen and Hayden McRobbie, Electronic cigarettes: A briefing for stop smoking services, National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) in association with Public Health England (2016)
    3. Medical Editorial Content Board, American Cancer Society, ‘Harmful Chemicals in Tobacco’ (2015)
    4. Article: Clearing up some myths around e-cigarettes, Martin Dockrell, Public Health England, February 2018
    5. McNeill, A. et al. Evidence update. A report commissioned by Public Health England (2019).
    6. American, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Report Analysis of Lung Injury Deaths Associated with Use of E-cigarette, or Vaping Products. (2019)
    7. Benjamin W. Chaffee, DDS MPH PhD, Electronic Cigarettes: Trends, Health Effects and Advising Patients Amid Uncertainty, report published by California Dental Assoc. (2019)
    8. E-cigarettes: an evidence update, Public Health England, Aug 2015
    9. Dr Andy McEwen, executive director of the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, interview for Cancer Research UK (2016)
    10. Long-term effects of inhaled Nicotine. Waldum HL (et al), study for Department of Medicine, University Hospital, Tronheim, Norway. (1996)
    11. Cancer Research UK, 2019
    12. Action on smoking and health (ASH). Use of e-cigarettes among adults in Great Britain (2018)
    13. ITN News Interview – https://www.itv.com/news/wales/2020-03-18/smokers-urged-to-quit-now-more-than-ever-or-face-greater-risks-from-coronavirus/

Joanne Emmerson FCIM
Head of Marketing, Ibiza Club

Joanne is a fellow of the Royal Chartered Institute of Marketing and has 30+ years marketing experience. She has worked all around the world, is published in 7 countries and teaches marketing communication theory at Post Graduate level both in the UK and USA. She has worked alongside many government bodies, health organisations and national charities. ivcservice@ibizavapeclub.com