A New Year, A New You.


It’s New Years Eve, we’re on lockdown and it’s time to figure out what 2021 is going to look like and top of your wish list is to stop smoking. It may feel a little like ‘rinse and repeat’ as you set yourself the target of quitting smoking, but now, more than ever you need to crack it. COVID-19 is still with us, the vaccinations won’t be in place until the summer, so just how to do you do it and stick to it? Should you switch to vaping to quit?

Switching to vaping to stop smoking is proven to work. In fact, NHS research found you are twice as likely to succeed if you use vaping and behavioural support.1 There’s a bunch of health-related reasons why vaping is a better choice, check out this article for more about how vaping is a better choice than smoking. But here are some other reasons to seriously think about vaping. Health is the number one, but working on that ‘new year, new you’ resolution is also about how the world sees you. Here are some alternative reasons to switch to vaping to quit smoking.

Vaping doesn’t make your breath smell bad.

Smokers breath … we all know it’s a thing, but does vaping do the same? The answer is NO. To date we have not found any medical studies relating to bad breath to vaping, but anecdotally most vapers tell us their breath is massively improved since switching to vaping.

For the vast majority of people switching to vaping means that the foul toxins deposited while smoking tobacco are not present, and as such the impact on oral health is drastically reduced when vaping.

Vaping doesn’t make your clothes smell bad.

Bonus! No more carrying the stench of stale smoke around with you. Why? It’s simple, the vapour cloud quickly evaporates. Depending on what flavour, where, and how much you’re vaping, you might notice a faint smell associated with the flavour of your e-liquid. Still, infinitely better for you (and everyone around you), that you smell fruity rather than smelling like an ash tray.

Vaping doesn’t leave any residue in your home the way smoking does.

Vapour evaporates quickly and as it isn’t water vapour (as many people wrongly believe) it has an incredibly short active live.

Vaping is cheaper than smoking.

Vaping is approximately 3.5 times cheaper than smoking.

When you first start vaping, you have to buy a vaping device and some supplies, but the ongoing cost per month is drastically smaller than when smoking. An average smoker spends around £540 every three months on cigarettes, compared to £150 for an average vaper.11


There are so many reasons to quit smoking and in the past there were few options to help you quit for good. Today, you have options and we have created a programme called Switch to Quit which will help you crack it … for good. The programme is based on the NHS stop smoking programme (which includes vaping as a cessation tool) but it goes a step further. It helps you learn how to vape, sets you up with the right beginner vape kit and provides behavioural support that doesn’t require in person visits to stop smoking clinics.

If you dream for 2021 is to quit smoking for good, we’ve got you covered. #switchtoquit

Happy New Year, be safe, be smart, be healthy.


Joanne Emmerson FCIM
Head of Marketing, Ibiza Club

Joanne is a fellow of the Royal Chartered Institute of Marketing and has 30+ years marketing experience. She has worked all around the world, is published in 7 countries and teaches marketing communication theory at Post Graduate level both in the UK and USA. She has worked alongside many government bodies, health organisations and national charities. ivcservice@ibizavapeclub.com


  1. McNeill, A. et al. Evidence review of e- cigarettes and heated tobacco products 2018. A report commissioned by Public Health England (2018).
  2. Andy McEwen and Hayden McRobbie, Electronic cigarettes: A briefing for stop smoking services, National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) in association with Public Health England (2016)
  3. Medical Editorial Content Board, American Cancer Society, ‘Harmful Chemicals in Tobacco’ (2015)
  4. Article: Clearing up some myths around e-cigarettes, Martin Dockrell, Public Health England, February 2018
  5. McNeill, A. et al. Evidence update. A report commissioned by Public Health England (2019).
  6. American, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Report Analysis of Lung Injury Deaths Associated with Use of E-cigarette, or Vaping Products. (2019)
  7. Benjamin W. Chaffee, DDS MPH PhD, Electronic Cigarettes: Trends, Health Effects and Advising Patients Amid Uncertainty, report published by California Dental Assoc. (2019)
  8. E-cigarettes: an evidence update, Public Health England, Aug 2015
  9. Dr Andy McEwen, executive director of the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, interview for Cancer Research UK (2016)
  10. Long-term effects of inhaled Nicotine. Waldum HL (et al), study for Department of Medicine, University Hospital, Tronheim, Norway. (1996)
  11. Cancer Research UK, 2019
  12. Action on smoking and health (ASH). Use of e-cigarettes among adults in Great Britain (2018)